Alexis Katherine. My niece. Born on September 24, 1991 at 10:13pm.

She used to ask me to tell her about the day she was born and then she would listen eagerly as though she hadn't heard the story a million times before. Today is her last day of High School. Where did the time go? And how did it go so quickly? As I type, memories are flooding through my mind. The lifetime of an angel. Our heart-to-hearts.

Trips to the park. Sleepovers. Our own amazement at our similarities. Walking along the beach. Reading her stories. Pulling her sled. Taking her pictures... hundreds and hundreds of pictures. Making her a hideous yellow outfit- and then watching her wear it with pride (poor thing!) All of the times people mistook me for her mother... even when her mother was standing next to me. And the fact that she and I have simply gotten used to sharing eachother's names.

She's this amazing, amazing kid. Except she's not a kid anymore. So where did the last 18 years go? It just wasn't that long ago. I won't lie- it's hard to watch her pack up her childhood years and march into the next phase of life. But isn't this what my sister has spent the last 18 years preparing her for? To me, Alex has always seemed like a little piece of her Mom- also this completely incredible person. And so there's absolutely no concern or worry about where she'll go in life. And whatever she does- she'll do it with passion. Besides, her excitement is downright contagious. So what's there to be sad about?
I just hope I didn't miss too much... Congrats Ali. xoxo
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