Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chicken Nuggets & Parking Garages

It was a good indication of how the next 24-hours would go when, within 10 minutes of picking up my 4 & 8-yr-old nieces, we began identifying all of the things that go good with Chicken Nuggets. You know- ranch, honey, mustard, honey-mustard, ... umm.
So that game QUICKLY evolved into- whatever popped into mind, really. Chicken Nuggets & PIZZA!, Chicken Nuggets & STREET SIGNS!, Chicken Nuggets ON THE EAST SIDE- WHOOT! What a fun & silly day filled with laughter and songs and ice cream sunday's so rich we couldn't even finish them.

Started off with a fun day at the zoo with our friends Austin & Mrs. Green. We watched the dolphin show where it was none other than the splash section. We rode ponies and pet sharks and what's a trip to the zoo without the infamous train ride down- well, Washington Street.

Thebutterflies were a huge hit. But even though we assumed the proper butterfly-inviting-stance, we just couldn't get them to land on us.
Some of us showed some major perseverence... but no luck.

After the zoo- it was an afternoon of porch-swinging, park-playing, and ice-cream making!

And at the end of the day- I had two very sleepy little girls. One of whom couldn't even stay awake long enough for me to go to the other room and get the camera. How blessed am I?

(Oh- and here's a little clip of the song birds themselves- scroll down, mute the tunes, and enjoy the show!)

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