Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Noodle Knees

So, an update on my progress with the workout Nazi:

There is something seriously wrong with the man. Really. I finally came to this conclusion when I couldn't change out of my own gym clothes last night. On Monday night I fell UP the stairs. Yep. Fell right up 'em... in front of the whole gym. Because this fool made me take them 2 at a time …for 700 laps!!! Well, it FELT like 700. My legs thought so too- they just stood there and shook for like 10 minutes straight. At one point, I thought they were gonna walk right away from me and tell me I was on my own! Today I had to drive down to Pike County for work. Before I left, I ended up calling the rental car company to ask them to exchange my car for one with cruise control because I knew my calves were not gonna hold a gas peddle down for 6 hours!!

Ok- in all actuality- it’s pretty awesome. He’s very encouraging- even if he is certifiably crazy. My sessions are almost up though and they want an extended commitment beyond this point and I’m not sure I want to do that, given the state of the economy. I’m fairly certain we’re not getting our pay cuts back any time soon. On the other hand- my mortgage did just go down significantly and taxes are coming!! We’ll see. Either way- I’ll still have the gym membership and the computerized program. My "non-goal" will continue either way.

I’m taking tomorrow night off and meeting a good friend for dinner. Although- it will have to be something other than our usual Mexican digs. Kujo might start foaming at the mouth if I gorge on chips and cheese right now.

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