Saturday, January 30, 2010

Under Destruction

My church is in the final stages of a major remodeling project where we are building a new auditorium. The pastoral team has created a 4-week series focusing on structural and foundational changes of the church- honoring the past and growing forward. It’s brought me to a point of contemplation of some personal changes as God has begun rebuilding the foundation within my own life.

For any foundation- destruction must occur before construction can begin. This is a difficult process because we’re extremely attached to the carefully woven architecture of our lives. Our unique thoughts, and attitudes, and desires, and coping styles… all developed out of a pattern of response to our lives. Each served a purpose as we learned to navigate the world around us as we were growing up. The problem arises when the responses that served us so well as children are no longer effective as adults. But we do it anyway. It’s normal, natural and familiar- which creates the illusion of safety. For the past two years… I’ve been “under destruction”. Going through the vulnerable process of exposing truth, unveiling secrecy, redefining perceptions, and relearning responses.

I'm reminded again of God's message through Zachariah that He will refine us like silver and test us like Gold (13:9). He continually presents us with the opportunity to be molded into his image should we trust Him enough to endure the process. Often painful- but look at the promise!! There have been times when I’ve wondered if it was worth it. But my goal from the beginning was to get out of the Lord’s way. Laying down fears, insecurities, agenda’s and selfish desires. Laying down goals that meet superficial “needs” and getting rid of the things that get in the way of His will for my life. And so much of it comes down to relationships. If I’m constantly hiding from myself- and from others- then I can’t reach people to the fullest extent. And… I can’t be reached by them.

It’s been an interesting couple of years. But I’m starting to notice the changes that have been occurring when I didn’t even notice. Confidence is replacing doubt. There is more peace where there used to be anxiety. Fear is subsiding and in it’s place is a newfound joy and excitement that comes from a more genuine trust in Him. Because what can this world take from me, ever, that won’t one day be restored? So here’s to honoring the past… and growing forward. Let the construction begin!

Refiner’s Fire
♫♪ Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within
And make me holy
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from my sin
Deep within. ♪♪

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts from the heart..the heart of one who is so obviously focused on Him!
    Thank you for sharing!
